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The New & Improved

information sign on shelf

As you may have already noticed, Vocivia Magazine is now in its own domain. This is a huge accomplishment for us since we have always wanted to set up things our way and not be limited by whatever Wix the website hosting service could provide (much of which were overpriced services that everyone knows can be done for much cheaper).

And so, we have, the place where you can easily stay updated on what’s happening and we can easily update the information here. That being said, there are a few new things I want to point out that you might not have noticed:

Our Shop!

Yep! We have an online store right here on the website!

If you’ve been around for a while, you’ll know that we have wanted to release issues as physical copies and other physical multimedia like playing cards. Well, since we now own this domain, that means we can (and have!) set up an online store where all of these things will be available!

In fact, if you go there right now, you can see that Issue 1: Lost & Found is already up! For just 17 USD, you can get Issue 1 and not only get to read their work but support them too! A portion of all the copies sold goes to the contributors of the issue, so go buy it!


The Vocivia Letter is our brand new online bi-monthly newsletter that can be delivered right to your mailbox! In addition to the regular sorts of updates on new things in the shop or new releases, there also will occasionally be discounts given to our subscribers for certain items in the shop!

We plan on releasing physical copies of our issues in the future as well as merchandise to help keep Vocivia running. Our team is mostly high school and college students so, in other words, we don’t have the money to make stuff unless we start releasing these products.

While looking into the physical releases aspect of things, we quickly realized that these things we want to sell might start out kind of expensive. We try to compensate the contributors to our issues with a cut of the release’s profits, which does raise the price of the products quite a bit if we plan on giving them a substantial amount. So, the Vocivia Letter is how we can try to lower these prices for people like you while still making enough money to keep Vocivia afloat!

If this sounds like something that would interest you, you can sign up for the Letter today!

Blue lineart of a mailbox

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

Sign up to receive updates and perks from Vocvia’s future endeavors!

We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.

In conclusion…

Having our own domain is really neat! We can’t wait to show you all the cool stuff we have planned!

2 thoughts on “The New & Improved”

  1. I have not heard back on my submission. I love your magazine and the new format. Please advise on my submission and upcoming subs.

    1. Hello Diane!
      I am glad you enjoy the magazine and the new format! Issue 4 has been a big undertaking for us.
      To clarify what might have you confused, you appeared to have submitted with the subject line referencing issue 4 on December 3rd, after issue 4 submissions closed. You did meet the end of the submission window for issue 5 by a few days (issue 5 closed December 9th). We are still finalizing acceptances for issue 5, and have not emailed people back for it yet. Your piece has been considered for issue 5, and our team is in the process of sending out emails for it.

      Thanks for your patience and apologies for the confusion,
      Tyler Mansmann

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